Wednesday, February 09, 2011

CrossFTP Version 1.75a Released

CrossFTP 1.75a is a major update of CrossFTP. It significantly enhances
the user interface, fixes the stabilty issue, improves the sync function,
and lot of other stuffs.
Here are the main change points:
  * Add "Group", "Owner", and "Storage Class" columns' support.
  * Support DevPay for Amazon S3.
  * Fix WebDav error for Air Shairing.
  * Fix the stability issue introduced in 1.70.
  * Improves the main panel UI.
  * Support the keep date option during transfer.
  * Enhance the directory sync for MD5 and date check.
  * Compatible with JDK 1.5 for Mac OS X 10.4 users.
  * A lot of bug fixes.
The update is recommended for all CrossFTP users.

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