Friday, June 13, 2014

Email Notification Support in CrossFTP

CrossFTP has started to support the Email notification in the enterprise version. It allows you to receive the latest completed transfers and synchronizations information in the CrossFTP session.

How to Setup Email Notification

1. You can now enable the Email notification in CrossFTP by Tools -> Global Options -> General -> Enable Email Notification. Once this option is toggled, you will start to receive Email notifications sent from CrossFTP when transfer and synchronization are completed in the CrossFTP session.
2. Then you need to setup an SMTP server for sending Email notification. You need to enter your SMTP server information by Tools -> Global Options -> General -> Configure.
The following are the fields definitions in the Email Notification Settings dialog:
  • Email to: Email's send to address
  • Email from: Email's send from address
  • Host: Host of the SMTP server
  • Port: Port of the SMTP server
  • User authentication, and Username and Password: SMTP server's authentication options.
For most corporate internal e-mail servers, standard SMTP port 25 is always supported and SSL/TLS port 465 may not be supported for sending email. It is not necessary or even possible to use SSL/TLS for corporate internal e-mail servers. The following is some commonly used public SMTP server setup for your reference:

Gmail as SMTP server

To use Gmail as SMTP server, input host "", port 587, toggle Enable STARTTLS, and input your Gmail's user name and password. Meanwhile, please make sure you enable “Access for less secure apps” (i.e., client/app doesn’t use OAuth 2.0) for your Gmail account (link). The following is a sample setup for Gmail account:
Fig. 1. Gmail as SMTP server for Email Notification

Amazon SES as SMTP Server

To use Amazon SES as SMTP server, input host "" (or your SES region host), port 465, toggle Use TLS/SSL connection, User authentication, and input your username and password.


You can press the Test button to test the SMTP server's setup. A testing Email will be sent according to your Email Notification Settings.


In the notification Email, you will find the transfer summary and synchronization summaries, as shown in the following figure. When there are no remaining items to be transferred in the current queue, an Email notification will be sent.
Fig. 2. Notification Email Content
The synchronization summary contains the synchronization source, target, its sync direction, and the sync details (how many files are synced in which direction). For the transfer summary, it contains the totally transferred stats in the session, as well as the stats break down into the site levels.
In the attachment, you can find the list of files transferred during this session. Fig 3. shows an example on the attached transfer log:
Fig.3. Attached Transfer Log CSV file
The transfer log CSV file contains the following columns:
  • Directions - Direction of the transfer. The first character of this field is the direction (^ represents upload, v represents download, d represents delete, m represents make directory, x represents site to site transfer, r represents move to, l represents transfer on the local machine, and s represents a directory sync item). The second character of this field is the site's protocol type (f represents FTP/SFTP/FTPS, w represents WebDav, s represents S3, a represents Amazon Glacier, and g represents Google cloud storage).
  • timestamp - ISO 8601 time in GMT timezone representing the item's transfer complete time.
  • Source Site - Source site of the transfer. Empty means it is the local machine.
  • Source Path - Source path of the transferred file.
  • Target Site - Target site of the transfer. Empty means it is the local machine.
  • Target Path - Target path of the transferred file.
  • File Length - Length of the file.
  • Metadata - Meta-data of the target file, which could be the file's origin date, MD5, tree-hash, encryption method, etc.
According to these field definitions, we can see that in Fig.3. there are a number of files transferred to the S3 site during the session.

The Email notification feature is available in CrossFTP Enterprise 1.95.2 or later.

CrossFTP is a FTP, SFTP, FXP, WebDav, Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier and Google Cloud Storage client for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
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