Sunday, December 08, 2019

Run CrossFTP on a high-DPI Display

To run CrossFTP on a a high-DPI display (e.g., 4K), sometimes you may find its UI is too small. To solve this issue:

On windows 10:
  1. Find java.exe you installed.
  2. Right click -> Properties
  3. Go to Compatibility tab
  4. Check Override high DPI scaling behavior.
  5. Choose System for Scaling performed by:
On Linux:
You can add parameters to the java binary which launches the CrossFTP, you can use the option -D to pass a value for the sun.java2d.uiScale proprty to specify a scaling factor for Java2D. This will scale your application. The scaling factor value is a double. Make sure that you pass this option to the java binary itself, not the launched Java application.
Example: Launch crossftp.jar with a UI scaling factor of 2.5

java -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2.5 -jar ...

1 comment:

LJ said...

Any new features or updates coming since October 17, 2018?

This is a good program and I hate to see it fall behind.